GB 2762-2017National food safety standard Maximum levels of contaminants in food
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Fruits and their products
Fresh fruit (fruit that has not been processed, surface treated, peeled or pre-cut, or frozen)
Berries and other Arabica fruit
Other fresh fruit (including sugar cane)
Fruit products
Canned fruit
Vinegared, oiled or salted fruit
Jam (puree)
Candied and preserved fruit (including fruit leather)
Fermented fruit products
Boiled or fried fruit
Fruit desserts
Other fruit products
Vegetables and their products (including potatoes, not including edible fungi)
Fresh vegetables (vegetables that have not been processed, surface treated, peeled or pre-cut, or frozen)
Brassica vegetables
Leaf vegetables (including Brassica leaf vegetables)
Leguminous vegetables
Root and tuber vegetables (such as potatoes, carrots, radishes, ginger, etc.)
Stem vegetables (including bean sprouts)
Other fresh vegetables (including gourd, bulb and aquatic categories, bean sprouts, bamboo shoots, daylily and other perennial vegetables)
Vegetable products
Canned vegetables
Pickled vegetables (such as marinated, salted, sweet pickled vegetables, etc.)
Vegetable puree (sauce)
Fermented vegetable products
Boiled or fried vegetables
Other vegetable products
Edible fungi and their products
Fresh edible fungi (fungi that have not been processed, surface treated, pre-cut, or frozen)
Other fresh edible fungi
Edible fungi products
Canned edible fungi
Pickled edible fungi (such as marinated, salted, sweet pickled fungi, etc.)
Boiled or fried edible fungi
Other edible fungi products
Grains and their products (not including baked goods)
Paddy rice
Other grains [such as millet, sorghum, rye, oats, buckwheat, etc.]
Processed milled grain products
Brown rice
White rice
Wheat flour
Corn flour (grits, flakes)
Other hulled grains (such as millet, sorghum rice, pearl barley, broomcorn millet, etc.)
Grain products
White rice products (such as rice flour, glutinous rice flour and other products, etc.)
Wheat flour products
Raw wet noodle products (such as noodles, dumpling wrappers, wonton wrappers, shao-mai wrappers, etc.)
Fresh and dried pasta products
Fermented pasta products
Batter (such as pouring batter for fish and poultry products), coating flour and frying flour
Other wheat flour products
Corn products
Other grain products (such as flour rice products with stuffing (material), canned rice pudding, etc.)
Legumes and their products
Legumes (dried beans, flour made from ground dried beans)
Legume products
Unfermented legume products (such as soy milk, bean curd, dried bean curd, dried bean curd sticks, cooked legumes, soy protein puffed food, soy vegetarian meat, etc.)
Fermented legume products (such as fermented bean curd, fermented soy beans, tempeh, tempeh products, etc.)
Canned legumes
Algae and their products
Fresh algae (algae that have not been processed, surface treated, pre-cut, or frozen)
Other fresh algae
Algae products
Canned algae
Boiled or fried algae
Other algae products
Nuts and seeds
Raw and dried nuts and seeds
Tree nuts
Oils (not including grain seed and legumes)
Beverages and sweet seeds (such as cocoa beans, coffee beans, etc.)
Nut and seed products
Cooked nuts and seeds (with and without shells, coated)
Canned nuts and seeds
Nut and seed purees (sauces), including peanut butter, etc.
Other nut and seed products (such as pickled nuts, etc.)
Meat and meat products
Meat (fresh, chilled and frozen meat, etc.)
Livestock and poultry meat
Livestock and poultry offal (such as liver, kidney, lung, intestine, etc.)
Meat products (including offal products)
Pre-prepared meat products
Conditioned meat products (raw meat with added conditioning)
Cured meat products (such as bacon, preserved ham, pressed salted duck, Chinese ham, salami, etc.)
Cooked meat products
Canned meat
Sauce braised meat products
Barbecued, baked or grilled meat
Fried meat
Western ham (barbecued, smoked or boiled ham)
Meat sausages
Fermented meat products
Other cooked meat products
Aquatic animals and their products
Fresh and frozen aquatic animals
Non-predatory fish
Predatory fish (such as sharks and tuna, etc.)
Other molluscs
Other fresh and frozen aquatic animals
Aquatic products
Canned aquatic products
Fish meat products (such as fish balls, etc.)
Pickled aquatic products
Roe products
Barbecued or grilled aquatic products
Fermented aquatic products
Other aquatic products
Milk and milk products
Raw milk
Pasteurized milk
Sterilized milk
Modified milk
Fermented milk
Condensed milk
Milk powder
Whey powder and whey protein powder (including non-desalted whey powder)
Processed cheese
Other milk products (including casein)
Egg and egg products
Fresh eggs
Egg products
Marinated egg
Egg preserved in liquor
Preserved egg
Salted egg
Other egg products
Oils & fats and their products
Vegetable oils & fats
Animal oils & fats (such as lard, beef fat, fish oil, cream, butter, anhydrous butter, etc.)
Oils & fats products
Hydrogenated vegetable oils and hydrogenated vegetable oil-based products (such as margarine, shortening, etc.)
Blend oil
Other oils & fats products
Table salt
Monosodium glutamate
Soy sauce
Brewing sauce
Flavored wine
Spices and flour
Spice oils
Spice sauces (such as mustard, wasabi sauce, etc.)
Other processed spice foods
Aquatic seasonings
Fish seasonings (such as fish sauce, etc.)
Other aquatic seasonings (such as oyster sauce, prawn sauce, etc.)
Complex seasonings (such as stock cubes, chicken essence, chicken stock powder, mayonnaise, salad dressing, gravy, etc.)
Other seasonings
Packaged drinking water
Mineral water
Pure water
Other packaged drinking water
Fruit and vegetable juice and beverages (such as apple juice, apple cider vinegar, hawthorn juice, hawthorn vinegar, etc.)
Fruit and vegetable juice (pulp)
Concentrated fruit and vegetable juice (pulp)
Other fruit and vegetable juice (flesh) beverages (including fermented products)
Protein drinks
Beverages containing milk (fermented beverages containing milk, formulated beverages containing milk, lactobacillus drinks)
Plant protein drinks
Compound protein beverages
Other protein drinks
Carbonated drinks
Tea drinks
Coffee drinks
Plant beverages
Flavored beverages
Solid beverages (including instant coffee, ground coffee (roasted coffee))
Other beverages
Distilled spirits (such as Chinese white wine, brandy, whiskey, vodka, rum, etc.)
Compound wine
Fermented liquor (such as grape wine, millet wine, beer, etc.)
Sugars and starch sugar
White sugar and white sugar products (such as white granulated sugar, soft white sugar, crystal sugar, cube sugar, etc.)
Other sugars and syrups (such as brown sugar, brown granulated sugar, golden slab sugar, unrefined sugar, molasses, partially inverted sugar, maple syrup, etc.)
Granulose (such as fructose, glucose, maltose, partially inverted sugar, etc.)
Starch and starch products (including starch extracted from grains, legumes and root plants)
Edible starch
Starch products
Lotus root starch
Other starch products (such as prawn crackers)
Baked foods
Pastries (including moon cakes)
Biscuit (such as sandwich biscuit, wafer biscuit, egg rolls, etc.)
Other baked goods
Cocoa products, chocolate and chocolate products and sweets
Cocoa products, chocolate and chocolate products (including cocoa butter substitute chocolate and products)
Sweets (including gum-based sweets)
Frozen drinks
Ice cream, ice cream bar
Flavored ice, ice sucker
Edible ice
Other frozen drinks
Food for special dietary uses
Formula for infants and young children
Formula for infants
Formula for older infants and young children
Infant formula for special medical purposes
Supplementary foods for infants and young children
Cereal supplementary foods for infants and young children
Canned supplementary foods for infants and young children
Foods for special medical uses (excluding variety involved in infant formula for special medical uses)
Other food for special dietary uses (such as complementary food supplement, sports nutrition food and nutrient supplementary food for pregnant and lactating women)
Other categories (foods in addition to the above foods)
Fruit jelly
Puffed food
Bee products (such as honey, pollen, etc.)
Dried chrysanthemum
Kuding tea
Location:Food Category Enquiry
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English name
Spice sauces (such as mustard, wasabi sauce, etc.)
GB 2762-2017食品安全国家标准 食品中污染物限量
Food category
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please enter the precise contaminant or food classification name in both Chinese and English in the standard text.