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GB 2762-2017National food safety standard Maximum levels of contaminants in food

This database is developed according to the standard text of National food safety standard Maximum levels of contaminants in food(GB 2762-2017). The query results are for reference only.

This standard stipulates the indicators for maximum levels of lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, tin, nickel,chromium, nitrite, nitrate, benzo (a) pyrene, N-dimethyl nitrosamine, polychlorinated biphenyl and 3-chloro-1,2 propanediol in foods.

1 Terms and Definitions
1.1 Contaminants
  Contaminants refer to any chemical hazardous material unintentionally added into food from production (including crop cultivation, animal husbandry and veterinary medicines), processing, packaging, storage,transportation and sales to consumption of the food or any material resulting from environmental pollution.
  Contaminant in this standard refers to the contaminant other than pesticide residue, veterinary drug residue,biological toxins and radioactive substances.
1.2 Edible parts
  Edible parts refer to the usually edible parts obtained after the inedible parts of food raw materials have been removed by mechanical means (such as grain milling, fruit peeling, nut shelling, meat and fish bone removal, shellfish shelling and so on).
  Note 1: No non-mechanical means (such as the refining process for unrefined vegetable oil) may be adopted in the removal of inedible parts.
  Note 2: When the same raw material is used to produce different products, the amount of the edible parts will vary depending on the production process. For example, when wheat is made into oatmeal or whole-wheat flour, the edible part is calculated as 100%; when wheat is processed into wheat flour, the edible part shall be calculated according to flour yield.
1.3 Maximum levels
  Maximum levels refer to the maximum permissible levels of contaminants in edible parts of the food raw materials and/or finished food products.
2 Application Principles
2.1 Regardless of whether or not maximum levels of contaminants have been formulated, food producers and processors shall adopt control measures so that the content of contaminants in food reaches the lowest level.
2.2 This standard lists contaminants that may pose a relatively great risk to public health; foods for which a maximum level has been formulated are foods which have a greater impact on consumers in terms of dietary exposure.
2.3 The Food Category (Name) Description (Annex A) is used to define the applicable scope of the maximum levels of contaminants and only applies to this standard. When the maximum limit of a certain kind of contaminant is applied to a certain kind of food category (name), then all types of food within said food category (name) are applicable, unless otherwise specifically provided.
2.4 The maximum levels of contaminants in food are calculated as regards the usually edible parts of the food, unless otherwise specifically provided.
2.5 In the case that the indicators for maximum levels have requirement on the products, the maximum levels of contaminants in dried food are calculated according to the maximum levels of contaminants in corresponding fresh food by combination of dehydration rate or concentration rate. The dehydration rate or concentration rate may be determined by food analysis, information provided by the producer and other available data information. Unless otherwise specifically provided.

GB 2762-2017食品安全国家标准 食品中污染物限量